EXCEL Sport Program

Patterson River Secondary College provides a specialised sport program for students that is designed to build leadership skills and the capacity to be involved in elite and community based sporting activities.
State Championship Achievements
- Year 10 Girls State Beach Volleyball Champions
- Year 7 Boys TFV Championships East Conference Champions
- U16 Girls State Futsal Champions
- Junior Girls State Lacrosse Champions
- Year 10 Girls European Handball Champions
- Year 7 Boys Hockey Champions
- Year 7 Boys Touch Football Champions
- Year 9/10 Girls Touch Football Champions
- Year 10 Girls SSV Ultimate Frisbee Champions
- Year 8 Boys State Beach Volleyball Champions
- Year 12 Girls State Beach Volleyball Champions
- Year 8 Boys Ultimate Frisbee Champions
- Year 8 Girls Ultimate Frisbee Champions
- Year 7 Boys Touch Rugby Champions
- Year 9 Boys Touch Rugby Champions
- Intermediate Girls Lacrosse Champions
- Intermediate Boys Lacrosse Champions
- Junior Boys Lacross Champions
- Junior Girls Ultimate Frisbee Champions
- Junior Boys Ultimate Frisbee Champions
- East Melbourne School Futsal Titles 13 Girls Champions
- BV 3XCup Secondary Schools Girls Junior Division 2 State Champions
- NRL 9s Tag Girls South East State Champions
- Girls Intermediate Rugby 7s Cattermole Cup Champions
- Year 7 Herald Sun Shield – AFL Nines Secondary School Tournament Champions
- Year 9 State Champions and Gold Medallists in Junior Boys Ultimate Frisbee
- Year 9 State Champions in Junior Girls Ultimate Frisbee
- NRL 9s Tag U14 Robbie Kearns South-East Gala Day Champions
To provide students with a developmental approach to a sporting pathway that focuses on both academic and practical outcomes.
The EXCEL Sport program is closely aligned to the College’s Values: Persistence, Community, Excellence & Respect. The values of the program goes beyond just sporting achievements, focusing on team work, participation and personal best
Entry Requirements
Entry into the EXCEL Sport program is based on a broad range of assessments, including physical ability, theoretical assessments and team based observations.
Entry for Year 7 is determined through a testing day. Ongoing involvement in the program is reviewed on an annual basis, including reports, written application and interview. Students not involved in the program will have the opportunity to apply for a place when they become available.
To apply please see the Application Process tab below.
Years 7 & 8
The focus at Years 7 & 8 is to expose participants to a range of team based sports in order to develop their technical and strategic ability along with working on an aerobic base. Students at this age are beginning to develop an understanding of individual strengths & weaknesses relating to a sport of choice.
Year 9
The focus at Year 9 is to develop an understanding of individual sporting predispositions and to work on developing these traits in relation to a particular sport. Students begin to develop an understanding of various physical attributes and specific training techniques. Students work on an individually tailored training program. At this level there is a large range of electives available for students to specialise in particular areas. A Sports Education in Physical Education Program (SEPEP) approach is used in order to expose students to a range of various roles within sport.
Year 10
The focus at Year 10 is for students to continue on their individual development whilst accelerating their academic knowledge and understanding to a VCE level. Students develop leadership skills and technical knowledge to assist them in their preparation for a pathway associated with potential involvement within the Sporting Industry. Classes at Year 10 continue with a SEPEP approach with a greater focus on coaching junior teams.
Years 11 & 12
The focus at Years 11 & 12 is on VCE & VET students in order to enhance opportunities for tertiary study and future employment. Students continue to work on their leadership development, playing a key role in the development of junior participants. Students at Year 11 & 12 work on monitoring their own training programs and, with guidance, make adjustments to training methods and intensities.
Enhanced Learning
- Team Based Events
- Fitness Testing
- Team Skill Acquisition
- Game Sense Development
- Aerobic Base Development
Physical Education
2 periods per week
- Minor games
- Tchoukball
- Tournament
- Gymnastics
- Focus on sports linked to Interschool Sports
2 periods per week:
- Introduction to Health
- Nutrition
- Relationships
- Puberty
Enhanced Learning
- Team Based Events
- Fitness Testing
- Team Skill
- Acquisition
- Game Sense Development
- Aerobic Base Development
Physical Education
2 periods per week:
- Minor games
- Gymnastics
- Focus on sports linked to Interschool Sports
2 periods per week:
- Growth & Development
- Health Promotion
- Nutrition
- Hygiene
- Sex Ed
Accelerated Learning
- Talent Identification
- Development of Individually Tailored Training Program
- Sports Coaching
- SEPEP Program
- Fitness Testing
- Video Analysis Techniques
- Technology in Sport
Physical Education Electives
3 periods per week each:
- Individual Fitness
- Triathalon & Multisports
- Girls PE
- Basketball & Volleyball
- Community Leadership Program
- Bat & Racquet Sports
- Handball Sports
Australian Institute of Sport
Immersion Camp Canberra
Accelerated Learning
- Monitoring of Individually Tailored Training Program
- Sports Coaching
- Biomechanics
- SEPEP Program
- Injury Prevention & Rehabilitation
- Training Programs
Physical Education Electives
5 periods per week each:
- Team Sports
- Football Sports
- Girls PE
- Sport & Recreation
Access to Senior Studies
- VCE Physical Education
- VET Sport & Recreation
Supported Learning
- Monitoring of Individual Training Program
- Fitness Testing
- House Leadership
- Coaching junior teams
Related VCE & VET Studies
5 periods per week each:
- Physical Education
- Sport & Recreation (VET)
- Biology
- Health
- Outdoor Education
- Chemistry
- Psychology
- Physics
The EXCEL Sport testing applications have now opened for Year 7 2026. Click here to apply.