Student Code of Conduct

  • to behave in a way that does not constitute a danger to the physical and emotional health of any staff member or student.
  • to comply with any lawful order of the Principal or a teacher.
  • to act in a way which is not offensive to, or dangerous to the health of any staff member or student.
  • to behave in a manner that does not interfere with the educational opportunities of other students.

The purpose of the College policy is to create a supportive educational environment which:

  • develops effective learning based upon mutual respect and the rights of the individual.
  • emphasises that it is the students responsibility to know the rules and to be accountable for their own actions.
  • is reinforced by clear administrative guidelines and procedures and logical
  • ensures that learning takes place in a safe and healthy environment
Administration of Medication Policy 2024-2026 (.pdf 375 KB)
Anaphylaxis Policy 2024-2025 (.pdf 410 KB)
Assessment Policy 2024 (.pdf 462 KB)
Asthma Policy 2024-2025 (.pdf 436 KB)
Attendance Policy 2024-2026 (.pdf 398 KB)
Bullying Prevention Policy 2024-2026 (.pdf 413 KB)
Cash Handling Policy 2024-2025 (.pdf 321 KB)
CCTV Policy
Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy 2024-2026 (.pdf 447 KB)
Child Safety Code of Conduct 2023-2025 (.pdf 310 KB)
Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedure 2024-2026 (.pdf 413 KB)
Complaints Policy 2024-2026 (.pdf 377 KB)
DE Enrolment Policy
DET Equal Opportunity Anti Discrimination Policy (.pdf 499 KB)
DET Schools Privacy Policy (.pdf 229 KB)
DET Sexual Harassment Policy (.pdf 402 KB)
DET Workplace Bullying Policy (.pdf 434 KB)
Digital Learning Policy 2024-2025 (.pdf 469 KB)
Duty of Care Policy 2024-2026 (.pdf 335 KB)
Electronic Funds Management Policy 2024-2025 (.pdf 423 KB)
Examination Policy 2018-2020 (.pdf 679 KB)
First Aid Policy 2024-2026 (.pdf 374 KB)
Fundraising Policy 2019-2023 (.pdf 774 KB)
Health Care Needs Policy 2024-2026 (.pdf 358 KB)
Mobile Phone Policy 2024-2027 (.pdf 374 KB)
Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy (.pdf 375 KB)
Privacy Collection Notice (.pdf 186 KB)
PRSC Online Services (.pdf 222 KB)
Statement of Values and School Philosophy 2024-2028 (.pdf 1 MB)
Student ICT Acceptable Use Agreement (.pdf 213 KB)
Student Laptop Borrowing Policy (.pdf 809 KB)
Uniform Policy (.pdf 427 KB)
VCE and VCE VM Assessment Policy 2025 (.pdf 745 KB)
Visitors Policy 2024-2025 (.pdf 412 KB)
Information Handbook (.pdf 2 MB)
Parent Handbook (.pdf 2 MB)
Senior Handbook (.pdf 926 KB)
Year 10 Handbook (.pdf 575 KB)
Year 8 Handbook (.pdf 446 KB)
Year 9 Handbook (.pdf 542 KB)